许群 Christine

Frequently Asked Questions 常见问题解答

Ready Capital Mortgage Investment Trust Tel: 905-305-1539; Fax-905-305-8982 4491 Hwy 7, Unionville, Ontario L3R1M1 Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for being a Ready Capital Investor! Below you will find answers to the questions we are.

frequently asked:
Q: What can I expect as confirmation that my investment was processed?
A: New investments are traded into Units between the 10th to the 15th day of the month. You will receive confirmation of the trade from your EMD representative via email.
Q: When will I receive my interest for my investment?
A: Interest Distributions are deposited or reinvested into your account on the 10th of every month. (Note: If 10th is on a weekend, Interest Distributions will be deposited on the following weekday).
Q: When will I receive my fund statements?
A: Statements are emailed between the 10th - 12th of every month.
Q: When will I receive my T3?
A: T3s will be emailed by the end of March next year. For Cash Account investors, please make sure you receive your T3 before filing taxes (Note: RRSP/TFSA are non-taxable accounts, there is no T3 required).
Q: I did not receive my monthly statement / T3.
A: If you did not receive your statement or T3, please check your junk box first. If you still did not receive it, email your EMD representative or info@readycapital.ca, or call us at 905-305-1539.
Q: When will I be able to view my online balance and activities on the Olympia Trust portal?
A: For new investors, your Olympia Trust online portal is available for viewing by the end of the month that your investment was made.
Q: What do I need to do if I want to redeem my investment?
A: Send an email to your EMD representative to request the amount of the redemption. You will be emailed a form to complete and sign.
Q: When will I receive my redeemed investment into my account?
A: Redeemed investments are deposited into your account 60 days from the time of request and is deposited on the 1st of the month after the 60 days. For example, if we receive your redemption. request on July 10th, you will receive your funds on Oct 1st. For TFSA/RRSP accounts, there will be an extra 2 weeks of processing time. For example, request redemption on July 10th, your will receive your funds on Oct 15th.
Q: Are there any fees for redeeming my investment?
A: If you redeem within the first 12 months of your investment, there will be a 3% early redemption penalty on the amount being redeemed. After 12 months, there is no redemption penalty.

感谢您对瑞达按揭投资信托基金的支持与信任,请查看下列常见问题,如有其他疑问,请联系我 们。

A:您的投资从每月 1 号开始算起,15 号之前您会收到 trade confirmation。这份文件是您购买基 金的正式凭证,请妥善保存。至此,您的投资过程全部完成。
Q: 什么时候我可以收到投资利息?
A:利息会在每个月的 10 号发放。(若 10 号是周末,会顺延至下一个工作日)。注册账户 (RRSP/TFSA) 会在月底显示在您的 Olympia Trust 账户上。
A:投资月度报告会在每个月的 10 号-12 号之间通过邮件发送给投资人。
Q:什么时候会收到 T3 报表?
A:T3 报表会在明年三月底发至您的邮箱。现金账户的投资人,请确保收到 T3 之后再完成您的个 人报税;注册账户 RRSP/TFSA 为免税账户,无需 T3 报表。
Q:没有收到投资月报 / T3 报表怎么办?
A:如您没有收到投资月报或 T3 报表,请先确认是否被误投放进您的垃圾信箱。如若依旧没有, 请联系您的基金销售助理,或电邮 info@readycapital.ca,或致电 905-305-1539 联系。
Q:什么时候可以在线查看我的 Olympia 网上账户?
A:如您想赎回基金,请发送邮件至您的基金销售助理,我们在收到邮件后会发送赎回申请表, 请您填写完成并签字后回执。
A:在您提交基金赎回申请 60 天后,基金会在下月 1 号存入您的账户中。(如您 7 月 10 日申请赎 回,10 月 1 日可以到账)。注册账户赎回至银行账户,会产生额外两周处理时间。(如您 7 月 10 日申请赎回,10 月中旬可以到帐)。
A:如您在投资一年内赎回,将会产生 3%的费用(即赎回金额 x 3%)。投资满一年后赎回,则不 会产生任何费用。

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